Sunday, February 28, 2010

Artist Statement
Origanally I wanted to work with avatars, but after several stress headaches and panic attacks I decided to switch gears.
My comics felt like a good route to change to since they are a big part of my life. Making a animated cartoon was on my list of stuff to do and it would be great to work with sound. After doing some research I thought it would be fun to do the video in still shots. Kinda like the French short film La Jetée (that film inspired 12 monkeys). The videos suppose to be the inbetween of comics and animation. You still have the panels but you can have minor movements like in animation.
Oh and the sound was big. Comic's are a very quiet medium to work in. There have been times when I wished comic's could have sound. I decided to keep the sounds to a minimal in this video. Again its the inbetween of silent comics and noisy cartoons. The voice work is really different too. Since its pretty much just me talking you have to pay attention to whos mouth is open. But the interations were great. I did the sound effects myself to keep idea of its just my voice. I added in the heavy metal song as a point of contrast. You have this quiet cartoon playing with cutesy animation then all of a sudden this heavy metal song blares in.
I think this video acheieved the goals I wanted. A simple inbetween of comics and animation. Next goal is full animation and exploring the use of sound. Plus I want a more deeper story then just a simple joke strip.

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