Monday, May 10, 2010

Sonja Hinrichsen

Not sure what to say. Hinrichsens work didn’t really impress me, landscapes don’t intrest me. But I did manage to pull a few things from the lecture. The first one is using projectors in different ways. Like having them on the floor and allow people to walk in front of the light, casting shadows and effecting how the work is viewed. Or projecting onto glass panels to create an intresting see through effect. Not only does her work use projectors she always uses the gallery space itself. One work involved photo graphs of nature, mostly the big leaf plants, it was very green (green as in nature not energy saver.) the gallery itself had large open windows so the outside became part of the work.
Hinrichsen has worked with interactivity as well. One project of hers was showing video of the city she was teaching in. random landscapes of life. Freeways, buildings, homes, gutters, etc. all were projected onto sculpture her students put together. To the side of the gallery was a map of the city and people were free to write on the map. People wrote down memories of the city. Reminds me of the last photobooth install. The black light and the highlighter drawings. Very simple but since the city was the peoples it was very meaningful to see what was written down. don’t think it would work as a touring art work.
The last thing I pulled from the lecture was that its ok to make art about what you like. Hinrichsen is intresting in writing and history. Like the history of a place. So I guess its ok when I use cartoons in my work.

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